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Room reservation

Find room availability in Cal Gabriel and Cal Farragetes. We also assist you by phone and e-mail.

Reserva al MILLOR PREU amb confirmació immediata!

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Why book direct?

Maximum availability

We give you all possible availability through the web, or you can contact us and we will provide you with the best option for your group stay.

More flexibility

You can choose our flexible rate and enjoy more free cancellation and modification time.

Best price

Save the agency commission. The price on our website will always be cheaper. We’re so confident that if you find it cheaper, we’ll match it (same contract terms)

You can include the pension

Includes board dinner, only available on our website, and at the best price.

But if you love it more, we will be happy to help you by phone on 973370142 (also whatsapp ) or by filling out the following form and we will send you all the information to your email:

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